Mobile Security: How to Identify and Prevent Smartphone Security Threats
With the increase of smartphone usage, all kinds of mobile threats are also strengthening, Face Kung Fu, Trojan horse, phishing may endanger users’ privacy and asset security. At this stage, the common mobile risks and their prevention are as follows.
Trojans mainly come from the irresponsible operation of downloading third-party applications, which can be configured to monitor mobile phones and send private information. Users should only install reputable apps from official channels.
Phishing does not require access to manipulate user behaviour. Don’t click on suspicious links or enter passwords. Mobile browsers need to add third-party content blocking.
User account theft is often caused by unknown third-party software that reads passwords on a regular basis. Change passwords regularly and choose offline saving or double authentication.
System vulnerabilities are also a common pitfall, as Android and iOS are constantly being upgraded with different security features, but both need to be updated with patches on a regular basis.
Overall, users can reduce the risks by using mobile phones prudently, choosing genuine software and keeping the system up-to-date. Personal encryption technology also needs to be supported by society and protected by law. Only through the concerted efforts of all parties can we build a sustainable mobile security environment.